Primary Liver

Metastatic Liver

Colorectal liver

liver metastases


Neuroendocrine liver metastases

Neuroendocrine tumors are slow growing tumors that are most often discovered when they have multiple metastatic deposits within the liver, or outside the liver (extrahepatic), making them unresectable. Because of hormone secretion, these patients experience higher death rates.
Even though few patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors are appropriate for resection, significant symptom relief can be accomplished by treatments intended to reduce, if not eliminate, the tumor. Treatment options include hepatic artery ligation and chemoembolization to limit the sustaining blood supply to the tumor(s) as well as local ablation techniques including radiofrequency ablation, alcohol injection and cryotherapy.

However, in patients with resectable disease, resection may delay the most debilitating symptoms for several years. A 1996 study reported five-year survival rates of 79%, with 52% of these patients not experiencing any recurrence during this period.

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